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Kerala Economy Journal

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New studies on Kerala

Authors: Indu T R | Published on: 03-Oct-2023

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Scopus indexed

1. Kallingal, F. R., & Mohammed Firoz, C. (2022). Regional disparities in social development: A case of selected districts in Kerala, India. GeoJournal, 87(1) 1-28.

This research attempts to address the question of whether a state which has been performing socially well has inequalities present among its regions. This is done by exploring the spatial inequalities in the social development of a selected region within and representing Kerala state, India. The results reveal that, in terms of reduced inequalities, the settlements performed well in social infrastructure development followed by road infrastructure. But the performance of the settlements in social characteristics was found to be poor with significant variations in employment and housing infrastructure development.

Other journal

1. Sujith, A. S., & Aithal, P. S. (2022). Application of Organisational Justice Theory to Performance Appraisal-a Study Conducted in the Service Sector Enterprises in Kerala. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 7(1), 224-232.

The study aims to understand the application of Greenberg theory in service sector enterprises in Kerala to know the level of justice and fairness of Performance Appraisal (PAS). This study was conducted in five sub-sectors of the service sector in Kerala and primary data was collected from employees. Application Greenberg's theory of organisational justice to Performance Appraisal helps to ensure that the system of performance appraisal is fair and just.

2. Joseph, G., Wang, Q., Chellaraj, G., Ta?, E. O., Andres, L. A., Javaid, S. U., & Rajan, I. S. (2022). Beyond Money: Does Migration Experience Transfer Gender Norms? Empirical Evidence from Kerala, India. Policy Research Working Paper 9966. Washington, D.C:Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice, World Bank

This paper examines the impact of return migration from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf on the transfer of gender norms to the Indian state of Kerala.The paper finds that returning migrants from Saudi Arabia tend to exhibit conservative values regarding gender-based violence and extreme attitudes pertaining to the perpetration of physical violence against women. The results show that migration experience can have a substantial impact on the gender attitudes of returning migrants, with potential implications for migration and gender policies in Kerala and for countries that send a large share of temporary migrants overseas for work

3. Datta, P. K. (2022). Public Service Delivery in Turbulent Times Where Convergence Matters: Lessons from the Management of Covid-19 in Kerala. Indian Journal of Public Administration, 68(2), 233-244.

This article makes an attempt to analyse how the government of Kerala, which is regarded as one of the best performing states in India, fought the battle of the first wave of Covid-19 in rural areas. An attempt is made to capture and examine the role of the local government institutions and civil society groups, more particularly Kudumbashree groups and to explore how the state government coordinated and facilitated the work of the different state and non-state actors for the convergence of the services delivered by them and for the maintenance of conducive state - society relations.

4. Rajan, J. B. & Biju, S. K. (2022). Total Quality Management in Local Governments of Kerala, India: Some Insights for Replication.The International Journal of Community and Social Development, 4(1), 39-60.

This article discusses the initiation and implementation of a total quality management (TQM) approach in local governments (LGs) in Kerala, India, with a view to promote its replication in similar contexts. It suggests that the TQM approach in LGs enhances citizens' satisfaction and engagement. However, the physical infrastructure aspect of the TQM is relatively easier to achieve than the soft aspects of the TQM. Continuous capacity building, simultaneous focus on hard and soft elements, presence of change agent and peer learning are necessary in LGs to ensure quality service delivery and citizen satisfaction.


1. Jose, C. A., & Mohammed, F. C. (2022). Transportation Sustainability Assessment using an Indicator-Based Method: A Case of Kochi, Kerala, India.In Uday, C., Arindam, B., Jenia, M., & Sushobhan, M. (Eds.), Advances in Urbanism, Smart Cities, and Sustainability (1st ed., pp. 205-225). Taylor & Francis Group.

This study focuses on the estimation of transport sustainability based on an indicator framework, where indicators are selected based on relevance to the local context, data availability, and measurability. The sustainability of the transport domain was estimated using a composite score obtained from the aggregation of indicators. The aggregated score was 3.182, which means the study area has a medium discrete level of sustainability in the transport domain.



Scopus indexed journals

1. Young, J. C., Arthur, R., Spruce, M., & Williams, H. T. (2022). Social sensing of flood impacts in India: A case study of Kerala 2018. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 74,

Given that good information on flood impacts is difficult to source, this study explores "social sensing" - the systematic collection and analysis of social media data to observe real-world events - as a method to locate and characterise the impacts (social, economic and other) of the 2018 Kerala Floods. Data is collected from two social media platforms, Telegram and Twitter, as well as a citizen-produced relief coordination web application, Kerala Rescue, and a government flood damage database, Rebuild Kerala. Overall, the results suggest that social sensing can be an effective source of flood impact information that produces outputs in near real-time and in broad agreement with government sources. This suggests that social sensing may be a useful data source to guide decisions around flood relief and emergency response.

2. Kumar, K., & Bindu, C. A. (2022). Resilience master plan as the pathway to actualize sustainable development goals-A case of Kozhikode, Kerala, India. Progress in Disaster Science, 14,

As cities have progressed to be larger and more complex growth engines, they have become vulnerable and susceptible to disasters, with climate change. While sustainability is seen as the goal to achieve, resilience is the capability to strengthen the pathway to sustainability. A Resilience Master Plan affirms to improve the Resilience of the City while also ensuring the city meets the targets of sustainable development, in a systematic manner. The study delves into the concept of Resilience and Resilience Master Plan, attempts to appraise the existing Master Plan of Kozhikode, assimilate the Resilience of Kozhikode City, and suggest methods to help increase of the Resilience of the city, while achieving the goals of development in a sustainable manner.

3. Aswathy, T. R., & Fred, N. A.(2022). Emergence of Green Entrepreneurship in Kerala; A Solution for Sustainable Growth and Development. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7(1), 6439-6443.

The study analyses the emergence of green entrepreneurs on the basis of variables like green innovation, green production and green marketing. The results reveal that all constructs like green innovation, green production and green marketing are the major contributing factors that determine the emergence of green entrepreneurs with green production being the dominant factor


1. Abdurazak, F., & Joseph, S. (2022). Developing a Mobile Based User Interface for Reporting Disasters in the Kerala Coast. In Vincent, S.G.T., Arya, B.D., Panchami, S.S., & ArunKumar P.S (Eds.), Environmental Status of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems in India (pp, 40-41). Department of Environmental Studies, University of Kerala.

The coastal region is more vulnerable to natural disasters and climate-related changes, which along with economic pressure can disrupt the coastal ecosystem. Kerala is highly vulnerable to natural disasters and the changing climatic dynamics given its location along the sea coast. This rising problem provides a complex challenge for a developing country like India, which must manage the risk associated with extreme events in order to successfully reduce and adapt to the impending disaster scenario. Based on the foregoing, the goal of this research is to create a cloud-based real-time catastrophe database for authorities and the general public, with location-based incident visualisation, statistical analysis, and graphing capabilities



Other journals

1. Narayana, D. (2022). Size of Government in Kerala: Bulging Department of Agriculture in a Decentralising Structure. Indian Public Policy Review, 3(2), 29-42.

The paper analyses the size of the state government in terms of employment, and in particular examines the efficiency of the Department of Agriculture by comparing the number of employees per unit area under cultivation in Kerala with that in Karnataka and Telangana. The findings are that Kerala reports 86 percent higher number of total employees per lakh population compared to Karnataka and about 25 percent higher than that in Telangana. Running revenue and fiscal deficits and facing fiscal stress year after year for the last twenty years, where salary accounts for over 30% of the total revenue receipts, the state can aim for rationalization of its administration in order to have more resources for capital spending.

2. Sumitha, P. S., & Shaharban, V. (2022). Economic Impact of Wild Animal Conflict on Agricultural Sector-A Study in Wayanad District, Kerala, India. Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture, 4(1), 17-25. article/view/1437

The study aims to identify the nature, level, and economic impact of man-animal conflict on the agricultural sector and to check the efficiency of government initiatives to prevent the problem in Thirunelli, the most vulnerable panchayath in Wayanad district. It finds that the economic loss due to wild animal attacks is very high in the area and loss is not adequately compensated by the Government due to administrative and technical issues in determining the loss. The prevention mechanisms adopted by the government agencies and farmers itself were found to be ineffective to mitigate the problem.

3. Ajith, A., & Binoo, B. P. (2022). Awareness of Organisational Responsibility and Perceived Satisfaction Level of Farmer Producer Company Shareholders of Kerala, India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,40(3), 29-35.

The study aims to understand responsibility awareness and satisfaction levels of primary producers who were shareholders of different producer companies of the State of Kerala, India and analyse the relationship between socioeconomic variables with the same. The study reveals that 51% of the producers had awareness about the organizational laws while only 46 % of them took effort to read the by-laws and written rules of the organization. From this study, it is understood that improving the input supply services and arranging extension services to shareholders can improve their satisfaction level with the FPCs and improve their attitude.


Banking and finance

Scopus indexed

1. Vasanthagopal, R., & Raj, A. (2021). Financial inclusion and information availability on banking products and Services. Manthan: Journal of Commerce and Management, 8(2), 67-83. http://https//

The study tries to analyse the information availability to rural people in Kerala, one of the most literate states in India, on various banking products and services. The study attempts to compare the opinion of 150 customers of public, private, and regional rural banks concerning information availability on banking products and services using Principal Component Analysis. It finds that the financial literacy rate and proper information availability on banking products and services to banking customers, particularly people at the bottom level, are poor.



Scopus indexed

1. Suja, S., & Suresh, B. (2022). Awareness and Use of E-Resources among Students of Government Colleges of Teacher Education in Kerala During Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(4), 261-268. article/view/2348

The novel coronavirus (covid-19) forced many academic libraries to close their doors which compelled library personnel to migrate their services to the digital platform whenever possible, as well as provide acceptable remote service to consumers. The goal of this work is to show how much information libraries can supply to faculty, researchers, and students, as well as the level of open-source information awareness. The present study highlights the significant initiatives taken by the libraries which can be followed by others to meet the post lockdown needs.

Other journals

1. Muhammed Riyaz, H., & Ashokan, N.(2022). Higher Education Status of Muslim Community People in the Coastal Area, Trivandrum District, Kerala. Shodh Samgam, 5(1), 214-219.

This paper focuses on the educational attainment of coastal people in Vizhinjam village, Trivandrum, Kerala, concentrating on the status of higher education of Muslim community in the region. Among all the religious communities, Muslims are in the least educated section of Indian Society. The backwardness among Muslims in comparison with non- Muslims in India has become a matter of concern at present.



Scopus indexed

1. Raj, K., Neelopant, S. A., Wadhwa, M., & Dabas, P. (2022). A Cross Sectional Study to Estimate Occupational Stress among Higher Secondary School Teachers in Thalassery, Kerala. National Journal of Community Medicine, 13(2), 74-78.(SI)

This study aims to assess the levels of occupational stress among higher secondary school teachers and demographic, academic characteristics and relevant factors influencing it, in Thalassery block of Kannur district, Kerala. It is found from the study that all higher secondary school teachers in Thalassery block felt occupational stress. Majority (55%) had mild stress, 35% had endured moderate stress and 9% suffered severe stress.

Other journals

1. Balamuraly, B., & Lawrence, A.(2022). Tourism Marketing Prospects: A Study on Kerala as a Tourist Destination. Shodh Samagam, 5(1), 239-244.

Kerala is the most popular tourist destination in India, thanks to its unique culture and natural beauty. The tourism marketing mix aspects aid in the creation of a tourist destination's image, as well as raising awareness of the location.This paper is an attempt to successfully advertise tourism by adapting the service marketing approach. The strengths and problems of tourism in Kerala are discussed in this article, as well as the services marketing mix concepts and their application in promoting tourism in Kerala.

2. Najeeb, S. S., & George, L. S. (2022). Experiences and challenges faced by the working population during COVID-19 Lockdown: A qualitative study. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 11(2), 660-666.

The varied responses of the masses to the COVID -19 lockdown with a total shutdown of workplaces and transport sectors need to be captured in order to understand the difficulties and dilemmas faced by the working population. Hence, this qualitative analysis aims to capture the immediate challenges and experiences faced by the working population during the first-ever declared nationwide lockdown.
