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Past Governing Body

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01. Minister, (Finance) Government of Kerala - Chairman

02. Shri.K.M.Chandrasekhar, Kerala State Planning Board - Vice Chairman

Members: (Ex-officio capacity)

03. Additional Chief Secretary, Fin. Department, Govt.of Kerala.

04. Cabinet Secretary, Govt.of India, New Delhi.

05. Secretary, Taxes Department, Govt.of Kerala.

06. The Commissioner, Dept.Commercial Taxes, CTD

07. Law Secretary (Law), Government of Kerala.

08. Dr.K.Pushpangadan, Formerly Fellow, CDS, Tvpm

09. James V.J. Vadakkan, ING, Vysya Bank, Kochi

10. Dr. Jaya Prakash, Director, College Devpt. Council, University of Kerala

11. Dr.Mariasaleth, Director, Madras Inst. of Devpt. Studies, Chennai

12. Dr. Binay Kumar Patnaik, Director, Institte of Social & Economic, Bangalore

13. Prof. S. Galab, Director, Centre for Economic & Social Studies, Hydrabad

14. Dr. Mahesh C Purohit, Director, Foundation for Public Economic & Policy Research, New Delhi.

15. Dr. Jose Jacob, Director, GIFT

16. Smt. L. Anithakumary, Associate Professor, GIFT