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Event List

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Invite and Link to join the Book Launch

Event Date : 2024-Apr-22


Event Date : 2023-Oct-11

Blind spots in India’s Child Nutrition

Event Date : 2023-May-29

PGD-GST Online Training Programme

Event Date : 2023-Feb-05

Webinar on

Event Date : 2023-Jan-19

EPF Panel Discussion_Programme

Event Date : 2022-Nov-17

Prof. K. K George Commemoration Lecture

Event Date : 2022-Oct-01

Day-1:10th IHEPA Annual Conference

Event Date : 2022-Jan-28

RCBP-PART B 2021:Inaugural Session

Event Date : 2021-Oct-20

National Workshop on BASIC ECONOMETRICS

Event Date : 2021-Sep-01

GST Consultation for Kerala Feeds Ltd.

Event Date : 2021-Jul-19

PGD-GST Training

Event Date : 2021-Jul-10

Indialics Webinar Series

Event Date : 2021-Jun-16

Discussion on Kerala Budget 2021-22

Event Date : 2021-Jun-10

GIFT Faculty Workshop on GST

Event Date : 2021-Apr-30

International Macroeconomics and Finance

Event Date : 2021-Mar-27

Inaugural Programme of Makerspace@GIFT

Event Date : 2021-Feb-18

Webinar on Labour Regulations in India

Event Date : 2020-Jun-13

PGD-GST Intensive Training Programme

Event Date : 2020-Mar-14

Walk with a Scholar (WWS)

Event Date : 2020-Jan-28

Stakeholders Consultation

Event Date : 2019-Oct-04


Event Date : 1919-Jan-01