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Home » Objectives/Mandate

  • To provide theoretically rigorous, evidence-based and empirically sound policy inputs to the Government of Kerala on public finance and taxation and on the issues of fiscal federalism and devolution.
  • To carry out academic and policy research in the areas of public finance, taxation, fiscal federalism, financial devolution and fiscal governance, which will lead to the publication of research papers, monographs and books.
  • To develop and conduct academically sound and rigorous teaching programmes through regular/distance education, leading to the award of doctorates, degrees and diplomas in the areas of public finance and taxation.
  • To provide training and consultancy services to central/state governments, various government departments, and corporate bodies in the areas of finance and taxation.
  • To create awareness among the general public, business, industry and members of various professions on the issues of state finance, taxation, fiscal federalism, devolution and fiscal governance.
  • To function as a resource centre on matters of finance and taxation by networking and collaborating with outstanding academic and policy-oriented institutions in India and abroad.
  • To provide support to state governments and various committees at the central and state levels in the context of state taxes and the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST).
  • To develop the capacity to undertake a gender audit, environmental appraisal and impact assessment of the budget process.
  • To develop a comprehensive data base for addressing research and policy issues in the state and those to do with local body finance and taxation, through appropriate networking with various levels of government, departments of government and other stakeholders.