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GST revenue performance in 2nd quarter of 2022-23

Authors: Relfi Paul | Published on: 04-Oct-2023

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The gross GST collection for the 2nd quarter of the current fiscal is Rs. 4,40,293 which is Rs. 94,870 crore more compared to the same period of the last year. The monthly gross GST collection was Rs. 1,48,995 in July, Rs.1,43,612 crore in August and Rs. 1,47,686 crore in September, 2022. For seven months in a row, the monthly GST revenues have been more than the Rs. 1.4 lakh crore mark. The growth in GST revenue till September 2022 over the same period last year is 27%, continues to display very high buoyancy. This is a clear impact of various measures taken by the past few GST Council meetings to ensure better compliance. It also shows that the GST portal maintained by GSTN has fully stabilized and is almost glitch free. Also better reporting coupled with economic recovery has been having positive impact on the GST revenues on a consistent basis.

When we analyze the CGST, SGST, IGST and Cess collections separately, it shows a significant growth in the 2nd quarter compared to the previous year. Out of the total GST revenue collected in 2nd quarter, ie Rs. 4,40,293 crore of which CGST is Rs.75,732 crore, SGST is Rs.95,571 crore, IGST is Rs. 2,37,764 and Cess is Rs.31,225 crore. In the month of July, the Union Government has settled Rs. 32,365 crore to CGST and Rs. 26,774 crore to SGST from its IGST account. Post this settlement, the total revenue of Centre and the States was Rs. 58,116 crore and Rs. 59,581 crore respectively. It is significant to note that this month, revenues from import of goods has increased to 48% and the revenues from domestic transaction has increased to 22% compared to the same month last year. In August, the Union Government has settled Rs.29,524 crore to CGST and Rs.25,119 crore to SGST. After this regular settlement, the total revenue earned by the Centre and the States was Rs.54,234 crore and Rs.56,070 crore respectively. Similarly in the month of September Union Government has settled Rs. 31,880 crore to CGST and Rs. 27,403 crore to SGST and the Centre received Rs. 57,151 crore and State received Rs. 59,216 crore after settlement.

When we compare the State's performance in the 2nd quarter of this fiscal with the previous financial year, it is clear that all States has indicated significant growth. Goa records the highest growth at 36%, Karnataka and Kerala respectively occupy the second and third positions with 32% and 27% growth rates. States like Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal, Karnataka, Goa, and Kerala have achieved growth above 25% in this 2nd quarter. States like Punjab, Delhi, UP, Assam, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Maharshtra, Tamilnadu, Telangana, Andra Predesh have recorded reasonable growth rate, which is between 15% and 24%. But States like Jammu and Kashmir, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Himachal Pradesh have seen poor growth. Larger and potential states, such as Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, did not post impressive growth as expected.

Kerala's gross GST collection for 2nd quarter of FY 2022-23 was Rs 6,443 crore which was Rs 1604 crore higher than the same period of previous financial year. According to the available data, the State collected Rs 2,161 crore in July, Rs.2,036 crore in August and Rs.2,246 crore in September 2022. This shows significant growth rate compared to the same period of previous financial year and the third highest in the country after Goa and Karnataka.

