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Kerala Economy Journal

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New studies on Kerala

Authors: Young Scholars’Forum, GIFT | Published on: 13-Dec-2020

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Scopus indexed journal articles
1. Aneja, R., & Praveen, A. (2020). International Migration Remittances and Economic Growth in Kerala: An Econometric Analysis. Journal of Public Affairs. Advance Online Publication.
This study examines the trend and pattern of international migration and the resulting inflow of remittances to Kerala for the period 1998-2018 and also  analyses the impact of international migration remittances on the economic growth of Kerala.
2. Bennet, L. (2020). Labour welfare measures of migrant workers in construction industry in Kerala. International Journal of Management, 11(10), 1238-1241.
Kerala witnesses a large inflow of migrant labour from different parts of the country. However, income and employment condition of the migrant labour in Kerala appears to be inadequate. Present study is an attempt to understand the labour welfare measures provided to the migrant workers in the construction industry in Kerala.
3. Kalathil, S.T., & Abraham, S. (2020).  Regulation and Resistance: Defactorisation in the Beedi Industry of Colonial Malabar, 1937-1941. Labor History. Advance Online Publication.
This article presents a case study of defactorisation of production in a traditional industry - beedi rolling - in colonial South India. It examines the implementation of the Indian Factories Act and its subsequent impact on Malabar's beedi industry during 1937-1941, focusing on the interaction between state, capital, and labour within the framework of British India's labour-legal history.
4. Joy, N.M., & Paul, S.K. (2020). Analysis of the Economic Value and Status of the Ecosystem Services Provided by the Ashtamudi Wetland Region, a Ramsar Site in Kerala. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Advance Online Publication.
This study has analysed the economic value and current status of 11 important Ecosystem Services provided byAshtamudi, the second largest wetland in Kerala. Even though the valuation of a few ES has been carried out in earlier studies, this particular study has incorporated more services in valuation and analysed the change in its value compared to previous years. This study also tried to analyse the status of 'wetland features' essential for the sustenance of ES, the spatial changes of the service providing habitats, and its impact on ES delivery.
5. Raman, K.R. (2020). Ecospatiality: Transforming Kerala's Post-Flood "Riskscapes". Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 13(2), 319-341.
The challenges in each phase of rescue, relief, and rebuilding at the time of Kerala's 2018 floods and landslides were addressed in this case study. Through the strategic use of 'ecospatiality', it is shown that the 'state-society synergy' does exist in its potentiality, although, by and large, it is ignored in already existing 'riskscape' scholarship. However, the context of this study proves to be an ideal site for illustrating the possibilities of actualising this latent potential of ecospatiality through ecospatiality planning. Such attempts can, at the same time, be of local effectiveness and global significance.
6. Watson, A.S., &Bai, R.S. (2020). Phytoremediation for urban landscaping and air pollution control-a case study in Trivandrum city, Kerala, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Advance Online Publication.
Air pollutant concentration of Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, exceeded the limits of National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQ) standards, according to a study conducted in 2015 by NATPAC. These polluted corridors harbour vegetation on roadsides and traffic islands, planted solely for aesthetic appeal. Analysis of air pollution tolerance levels of existing plants can act as a scientific basis for efficient planning of the urban landscape.

Scopus indexed Journal articles

1. Choolayil, A.C., &Putran, L. (2020). Covid-19, The Local and the Global: Lessons from Kerala. South Asia Research. Advance Online Publication.
This article offers a cross-sectional exploration of the Covid -19 containment strategy in Kerala and highlights its initial effectiveness in the Kasaragod district, the first to record a second stage transmission in the state with a cluster of cases from 23 March 2020 onwards. The article explores the confluence of elements that allowed the initial successful recovery from a second stage transmission and then examines the factors that later led to community-level transmission. Given the close connections of Kerala to other parts of the world through migration, the article illustrates how precariously the local is now part of the global.

Other journal articles
1.Ashok kumar, K. (2020). Cost and Return Analysis of Natural Rubber Plantations in Pathanamthitta District in Kerala.  MUDRA: Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7 (1), 98-110.
In this study, capital budgeting techniques are used to measure the economic worth of investment in rubber plantation. Rubber, being a perennial crop requires huge cultivation and maintenance cost and therefore an attempt is made in this paper to analyse the cost of production and returns on investment in rubber plantations in Pathanamthitta district in Kerala.
2. Kannan, K. P., &Hari, K.S. (2020).  Revisiting Kerala's Gulf Connection: Half a Century of Emigration, Remittances and Their Macroeconomic Impact, 1972-2020. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics. Advance Online Publication.
This paper estimates foreign remittances to Kerala for a period of 47 years.  Using these data, the paper has presented a modified state income for Kerala and calculated its impact on consumption and savings. The significance of the sizeable emigration to the labour market situation has also been highlighted.
3. Peter, B., Sanghvi, S., & Narendran, V. (2020). Inclusion of Interstate Migrant Workers in Kerala and Lessons for India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics. Advance Online Publication.
This paper examines labour migration to Kerala, key measures by the government to promote the social security of the workers and the state's response to the distress of migrant workers during lockdown, by synthesising the available secondary evidence.
4.Soloman, S. Veerakumaran, G. (2020). Problems and Constraints Faced by Farmer Producer Company in India with Special Reference to Poultry Sector of Kerala.  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5(10), 845-852.
This research paper examined the problems and constraints faced by Farmer Producer Company (FPC) in India. The Venad Poultry Farmer Producer Company from Kollam district of Kerala was selected for the study. The problems faced by the company were examined from the view of Board of Directors (BoD). From the director's perspective, the problems were studied under four heads viz; administrative problems, functional problems, structural problems and human resource related problems.
5. Vineethkumar, V., Sayooj, V.V., Shimod, K.P., &Prakash, V. (2020).  Estimation of pollution indices and hazard evaluation from trace elements concentration in coastal sediments of Kerala, Southwest Coast of India. Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 44(198).
An attempt is made to assess the concentration of trace elements and pollution indices in the sediment samples collected from the coastal belt of Kerala and possible conclusions were drawn.
The results of pollution indices clearly indicate the moderate level of trace elements contamination in the coastal belts of Kerala. Significant correlations were observed between the concentration of trace elements and physicochemical parameters of the sediments.

Edited volumes and chapters
1. Rajan, S.I. (Ed.). (2020). India Migration Report 2020 : Kerala Model of Migration Surveys. Routledge.
India Migration Report 2020 examines how migration surveys operate to collect, analyse and bring to life socio-economic issues in social science research. With a focus on the strategies and the importance of information collected by Kerala Migration Surveys since 1998, the volume explores different aspects of migration including, the effect of male migration on women and households, consumption of remittances and their utilization, the twenty-year experience of the Kerala Migration Surveys, and also the issues of migration politics and governance.

1. Asok, A.R., Thimothy, R., Mohanan, S., Thambi, B., &Ramshad, M. (2020). Indebtedness among the Rural Poor in Kerala. Centre for Socio-economic and Environmental Studies.
The focus of the Report is the magnitude and nature of indebtedness experienced by rural poor households in Kerala, and the role played by various sources in meeting the credit requirements of this group.
Specific themes addressed in the study include: the framework that regulates the operation of financial institutions; borrowing pattern, credit choices and coping strategies of rural poor households and the magnitude of household indebtedness; operational modalities adopted by major credit providers catering to rural poor; and recommendations to address over-indebtedness among rural poor.
2. Issac, T.M., Mohan, R. & Chakraborty, L. (2020). Fifteenth Finance Commission Award for 2020-21: Implications for the States. Economic and Political Weekly, 55(4).
The first report of the Fifteenth Finance Commission has allayed many fears that arose after the notification of the terms of reference of the commission. The main report for the period 2021-22 to 2025-26 will have to factor in the devastating impact of Covid -19  on the economy and provide adequate fiscal space to the states for socio-economic response and recovery.

