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Kerala Economy Journal

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By way of an editorial

Authors: K J Joseph , Choose Author , Choose Author | Published on: 29-Sep-2023

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We are living in a world flooded with information. But it rarely reaches the people who need it most on time and in a usable form. Further, the questions, as T S Elliot postured, appear relevant. Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? The decision makers in general and policy makers in particular are constrained. The research institutes and scholars at large have a larger role in help overcoming this constraint. This is, perhaps, the context wherein our proposal for a newsletter from GIFT got transformed into more ambitious monthly publication, Kerala Economy, at the instance our Chairman, Professor T M Thomas Isaac.

Kerala Economy is conceived as a monthly publication with regular features that include; reflection on an issue of regional, national or global importance, developments in the previous month in Kerala in the sphere of finance, taxation, prices, employment and a status report on a specific sector of importance. It will also inform the readers about the recent studies on Kerala and of course the news from GIFT. As we go along, we shall add new contents useful for policy makers and those interested in Kerala's development in general. We shall also have space for submissions from the readers.

I thank the Chairman, GIFT, for coming up with the idea of Kerala Economy, his constant guidance and encouragement. I also place on record my appreciation to Shri R K Singh IAS, Additional Chief Secretary and Shri Anand Singh IAS, State Commissioner, GST Department for their keen interest in this publication and Shri P V Babu, Director Bureau of Economics and Statistics for offering the access to their data. The members of the Editorial Advisory Board have been a continuous source of suggestions for making it as useful as possible. Their commitment and concern is gratefully acknowledged. The Consulting Editors invested considerable hard work; thank you. U P Anil Kumar undertook the designing work that deserves special mention. Input for cover design from Emil Abraham is acknowledged. All my colleagues in GIFT were ready to help whenever needed, for which I am grateful.

Criticism is essential for improving any new initiative. Hence, we look forward to your valuable suggestions, constructive criticism and of course compliments for further enhancing the usefulness of this publication. In anticipation of your response, I present the first issue of Kerala Economy to all those who are concerned about Kerala.
