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Kerala Economy Journal

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Authors: Anitha Kumary L | Published on: 29-Sep-2023

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A    Webinars

1. GST Compensation and Fiscal Stress of States, Organized jointly with CRRID, Chandigarh, 28 September 2020.

State governments in India at present are faced with an unprecedented fiscal stress. Hence the    alternative to GST compensation proposed by the Centre that involves renege from the in constitutional provision for GST compensation for the states needs detailed deliberation. In this context GIFT, jointly with the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, organized a  webinar to provide a forum for deliberating on implications of the Centre's proposal on the already stressed state finances and articulate the responses of the States.  The webinar, inaugurated by Dr Amit Mitra, Minister of Finance, West Bengal and Chairman Empowered Committee of Finance Ministers, had the active involvement of  Finance  Ministers of states, eminent academicians, senior government officials, and captains concerned of the media.

For details please visit,

2. Webinar series jointly with Indialics

GIFT initiated a webinar series jointly with Indialics (India Chapter of Globelics)

1. First Indialics Web lecture on STI Ecosystem and Endogeneity of Technology: Role of AEI and Governance in Atmanirbhar Bharat, 1 sep 2020,


2. Second Indialics Web lecture on Imagining Science, Technology and   Innovation    policy  for post covid India , 26 sep 2020    


3. National webinar series: Local Governments for Sustainable Developments -Good Practices from Kerala

Under this webinar series, held on every Saturday and jointly organized with KILA and Haritha Kerala Mission, ten webinars have already been organized from 4  July onwards . Webinars organized in the month of September -October are listed below.

1. Webinar on Innovations in Education, held on 5 september 2020

2. Webinar on Climate change, Biodiversity, Disaster Management, 19 September 2020

3. Webinar on Health Sector Initiatives, 26 September 2020

4. Webinar on New expanses in service quality management, 10th October 2020.

For details please visit:


B. Teaching and training programmes

1. KFC-GIFT partnership in Chief Minister's Entrepreneurship Development Program

GIFT jointly with Kerala Financial Corporation (KFC) started in organizing a week long training program for the prospective entrepreneurs under the Chief Minister's Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CMEDP).

1. KFC and GIFT: Training for the 2nd and 3rd Batch Participants of Chief Minister's Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CMEDP)

Batch2: 03.09.2020 to 11.09.2020

Batch 3 :14.09.2020 to 18.09.2020

Link: -Development-Programme-CMEDP

2. Chief Minister's Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CMEDP): Handing over of first 100 sanction letters  by Chief Minister of Kerala, 28 Sept 2020


3. Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation (PGDGST)

PGDGST program third batch

Admission for the third batch of the Post Graduate Diploma in Goods and Service Tax (PGDGST) is closed. Training program through online mode started for the 325 students.

Examination for the second batch of the Post Graduate Diploma in Goods and Service Tax (PGDGST) is scheduled as follows: September 20 and  27;  October 4,  10 and 18.

For mote more details


C. New faculty in GIFT

1. Dr Parma Chakravorty,  Assistant Professor

Prior to joining GIFT, Dr Chakravartti, has been a visiting Assistant Professor, Economics, at Dr B R Ambedkar University Delhi.  She has worked in the area of public finance, macroeconomic policies and development economics and associated with various government organisations like National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Financial Resources Division of Planning Commission of India, Fourteenth Finance Commission and Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. She has a PhD in Economics from Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her research interests lie in the field of public finance and econometrics.

2. Dr Santosh Kumar Dash, Assistant Professor

Dr Kumar holds a Ph.D. in Economics from IFMR Chennai (University of Madras), and M.Phil in Applied Economics from CDS (JNU), Previous positions held by Dr Dash include Research Fellow, IFMR-LEAD at Krea University,  Economist at Center of Excellence in Fiscal Policy and Taxation (CEFT), Bhubaneswar, Project Associate, NIPFP, New Delhi, Research Analyst at Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi. His research has been published in several journals including Economic Modelling, Journal of Quantitative Economics, and Economic and Political Weekly. He has also presented his research in a number of national and international conferences and has been conferred the best paper award for some of his works.


D. New reports and publications

1. Kerala Economy

Kerala Economy -A monthly publication in English and Malayalam has been launched  with a view to provide an update on different aspects of Kerala that include, but not limited to, finance, taxation,  prices and employment. It also intends to provide reflections on  important developments at the regional/national/global level and update on select sectors of Kerala economy.

For more details please visit

2. Kerala Tax Reporter

August issue of Kerala Tax Reporter published Online and offline

3. Innovation and Development

A  Routledge journal from GIFT, Volume 10, No. 2 published, Editor in chief, K J Joseph. For details please visit

4. Weekly update on the Indian Economy

This is an attempt by the Young Scholars' Forum in GIFT,  led by Shency Mathew to update you on important developments in the national economy. -Updates -on-Indian -Economy
