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Kerala Economy Journal

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New studies on Kerala

Authors: Athira Karunakaran | Published on: 15-Sep-2021

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Other Journal Articles
1. Rejitha, P. R., & Vismaya, M. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on Light and Sound and Hire Goods Owners in Kannur District of Kerala. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, 2(9), 50-52.
The lockdown implemented in Kerala following the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented loss of employment in all sectors of the economy. The main purpose of this study is to understand the adverse impact of the pandemic on the income levels of light, sound and hire goods workers with special reference to Kannur district and to identify how they had sustained their lives during lockdown.
2. Sivakumar, A., & Ravi, H. (2021). Perception of Commerce Post Graduates of Kerala State About Amendments in CGST Act 2017 as per Finance Act 2021. Management Accountant, 33-33.
The Indian Economy has witnessed a major change since the implementation of a dual GST mechanism in India. CGST Audit and changes in the definition of supply are some of the major amendments in the Finance Act 2021. Perception of the public about CGST, especially the perception of commerce people, is very significant even during this Covid19 pandemic. Therefore, this research paper analyses the perception of commerce post graduates of Kerala state about amendments in CGST Act 2017 as per Finance Act 2021.  
1. Abhijith, P. S., & Antony Joseph, K. (2021). Impact of Multiple Income Sources on Financial Self-efficacy: A Study on Women MGNREGA Workers in Kerala. Contemporary Research in Finance, 94-99.
This paper studies the impact of the presence of alternative income sources on the Financial Self-efficacy of individuals, based on data from women NREGA workers in Kerala. Primary data was collected from 176 respondents across six Grama Panchayats in Ernakulam district using multi-stage cluster sampling technique. Financial Self-efficacy was measured using a self-developed scale having ten items and the overall value was found to be below average. The workers who have income from more than one source were observed to have significantly better levels of Financial Self-efficacy compared to the ones who get income solely from NREGA. A suggestion was made to provide opportunities for additional income-generating activities among the beneficiaries to help them achieve Financial Well-being.
2. Anjali, S., & AD, R. K. (2021). Constraints of Investment in Mutual Funds at Malappuram District of Kerala.Contemporary Research in Finance, 27-33.
In this study, the researcher tries to analyse the barriers faced by investors to choose mutual funds as an alternative in Malappuram district of Kerala in light of the dramatic improvement of standard of living in Malappuram. The data was collected from financial investors in the district using a multistage random sampling method with the help of a questionnaire. It was found that the influence of many constraints like less awareness, low income of the investor, reluctance of the investor to use innovative services etc. have higher influence on investing in mutual funds than government policy changes and regional disparities of the investor.
3. Joy, B. (2021). Product Awareness and Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Private Health Insurance Customers in Kerala. Contemporary Research in Finance, 225-231.
The exploratory study was undertaken with the primary objective of examining the role of product awareness of customers of health insurance products on their satisfaction in the state of Kerala. The respondents were taken from three districts of Kerala. Statistical tools such as Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor analysis were used. Empirical evidence reveals that the category of policy and type of insurance company play a major role in the satisfaction level of health insurance policyholders.
 4. Lakshmi, A. J., & Raju, G. (2021). Financial Inclusion by Credit Cooperatives in Kerala: Underpinning Values vis-a-vis Management Structure. Contemporary Research in Finance, 115-121.
This paper is an attempt to verify the relevance of underpinning values of credit cooperatives in the management structure. This is done by relying on secondary data and the paper is doctrinal in nature. Inherent cooperative principles and values is the underpinning of the success story of credit cooperatives in the field of financial inclusion.
5. Priya, R. (2021). Ensuring Sustainability and Continuity in Corporate Rooms of Public Companies in Kerala.Contemporary Research in Finance, 167-174.
The Board of Directors have been able to oversee management's actions due to governance reforms and thus corporate boards have taken big steps forward in the past decades. Public companies are important instruments of economic affluence, and boards have at most responsibility to see that these national assets prosper. Directors must steer themselves and the company's management team towards perceptive strategic and financial thinking and succession planning. The management must develop and implement strategy, but the board must be vigilant with a focus lens when requesting and screening senior leaders' proposals. Hence board and management together can ensure the continuity of the companies.
History and Culture
Other Journal Article
1. Chathukulam, J. (2021). What is Plaguing the Catholic Church in Kerala? Is it 'Jihad'or something else?. Mainstream, 59(40).
While the 'narcotic jihad' and 'love jihad' appears to be creating more furore at the moment, there are various other factors that are plaguing the Church. This article briefly attempts to analyse the major issues and problems that are haunting the Catholic Church in Kerala.
2.Shahna, K., A. (2021). Social Division of Marginalized Communities among Muslims in Kerala. John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 3(1), 35-43.
This study explores the issues related to the silence imposed historically, socio-culturally and politically on the marginalised community among the Muslims. There is an attempt to address questions of Dalit Muslims' exclusion, their identity, their ambiguous relationship with other Dalits and the assertion of their rights and dignity. This paper is an ethnographic account that adds to the evidence base of the calm for scheduled caste status and attempts to gain some grounded understanding of caste-like subdivisions among Muslims.
3. TS, M. S., & Sumathy, M.(2021).User Perception Towards OTT Video Streaming Platforms in Kerala (With Special Reference to Thrissur).Analytical Commerce and Economics, 2(4), 27-32.
The main purpose of this study is to find out the perception and satisfaction of consumers or users of OTT video platforms with special reference to Kerala, Thrissur district. OTT services are advancing at a rapid rate. Consumer content choices have shifted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are so many factors that are influencing the satisfaction of OTT video platform users.
1. Menon, I. (2021). Tribal Freedom Fighters of Kerala. Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development Studies.
History books have not given due credit to some valiant struggles against the colonials, which were sustained over long periods, at great human cost. The credit for this goes to the tribal communities of the hills of what is today the state of Kerala. This book is an attempt at capturing this lost or forgotten history that has not been recognized or recorded with due importance. Tribal struggles have occurred during different time periods, against different aggressors, with differing objectives. The three theatres of these battles were Wayanad, Idukki and Kasaragod, which have different tribal communities. These are stories of resistance, continued agitations, and community uprisings.

Scopus Indexed Journals
1. Suresh Babu, L., Janarthanan Pillai, D. M., & Janardhanan, D. K. (2021). Prevalence of Perceived Stress, Due to COVID-19 Among Faculties of Government Dental Colleges in Kerala, India. Cogent Psychology, 8(1).
The purpose of this cross-sectional web-based study was to assess the prevalence of perceived stress among dental faculties of Government Dental Colleges across the state of Kerala, India, during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which has a huge impact on both physical and psychological well-being of persons all over the world. Since varying amounts of stress are present in different groups, etiology of perceived stress and measures to control it may be investigated in the future so as to avoid stress-related crises in the health sector. Effective stress management measures like mindfulness are highly recommended.
Other Journal Article
1. Veerapathiran, A., Selvam, A., Balaji, T., Raju, K., & Gupta, N. (2021). ZIKV Outbreak in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 2021-A Primary Report., Research Square.
This study conducts a ZIKA Virus (ZIKV) outbreak investigation in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala and the primary findings are described here. A cluster of ZIKV cases from the Kadakampalli / Anamugham administrative wards of the Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation area was reported where Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) is located. Later many ZIKV cases were reported from other wards of the city.This report underscores the importance of continued human and vector surveillance as well as genomic sequencing to understand the virus evolution and implications on public health.

Other Journal Article
1. Goswami, B. (2021). Demographic Changes in Kerala and the Emerging Challenges: An Assessment.
The present study aims to synthesize the current trajectory of the demographic transition in the state in light of the existing trends experienced worldwide with regard to advanced mortality and fertility transitions. Findings suggest that Kerala is yet to confirm the onset of advanced stages of mortality and fertility transitions in line with the global experiences. Kerala is becoming an ageing society as seen through mortality and fertility changes. There has been a drastic decline in the share of the young workforce, and the trend will continue. This facilitated migration of young labourers from other states. The future pace of transition will be determined by the speed of integration of in-migrants with the current level of human development of the state.
2. Senthilkumar, T. (2021). A Study to Assess the Impact of Online Learning Among School Children in Kerala. MC Medical Sciences, 1(2), 29-34.
This study aimed to find out the impact of this 'online learning' among school children. A quantitative approach which adopted a descriptive survey design was used for this study among 30 school going children of ages 6-18 from selected schools in Kerala. Convenient sampling method was used and data collection was done through a structure checklist. Analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that the majority of the school children (63.33%) were positively impacted from online learning and there was no association found between online learning and demographic variables at 5% confidence level (p<0.05).

Other Journal Article
1. Joy, F. V. K. (2021). Mapping the Concern of Art and Its Political Relevance in Kerala: A Note about Public Art and Its Formula. Journal of Polity and Society, 13(1), 125-140.
In recent years, the question of challenging perspectives on the position of art and its public acceptance has arisen within the academic works of artists and cultural practitioners. This article is an inquiry about the relevance of the symbolic and tangible representation of the culture in public based on the value of art. The first part of this essay deals with the critical aspects of work of art and its public engagements. An attempt is made to place art within the political philosophy discourse, largely a Marxian framework. The second portion is an appeal regarding Kerala's art position and its validation in the public sphere. Finally, the paper ends with detailing the 'place making' capacity of art and its surroundings.
2. Roshan, V. V. (2021). New Social Movements in the Era of Neoliberal Globalisation: A Case Study of Plachimada Water Struggle in Kerala. Journal of Polity and Society, 13(1), 152-168.
This article aims to locate the water struggle at Plachimada, in Kerala, in the broad framework of new social movements in the era of neoliberal globalisation. It examines the concepts and the contested relationship between new social movements and neoliberal globalisation. Further, it studies the significance of the water struggle at Plachimada as a new social movement resisting neoliberal globalisation, geographical area and its forwarding capability.
1. Paul, S. (2021). The Leadership of Mr Pinarayi Vijayan as the Chief Minister of Kerala. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01).
This book attempts a study of the success and remarkable leadership qualities of Mr Pinarayi Vijayan during his term as a chief Minister. It involves a quantitative study with the population of this study being selected from Kerala and samples chosen were convenient and snowball. The objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of the leadership of Mr Pinarayi Vijayan as a chief minister and his major leadership qualities. The research could bring out fifteen leadership qualities, expressed by Mr Pinarayi Vijayan during his term as a chief minister.  Those are Integrity, Charisma, Communication, Care and Empathy, Selflessness, Compassion, Delegation of power, Service mindedness, Planning and execution, Vision, Commitment, Nurturance, Resilience, Equality and Assertiveness.

Scopus Indexed Journals
1. Joseph, L. C., Soundararajan, V., & Parayitam, S. (2021). The relationship between attraction, perception of service, opportunities and tourist satisfaction in backwater tourism in Alappuzha district of Kerala in India. Tourism and Hospitality Research.
The article aims to explore the relationships between destination attractions, tourists' awareness of eco-tourism and facilities, level of perceived service, opportunities and problems, and tourist satisfaction in backwater tourism in Kerala. Data from 586 tourists was gathered using a structured survey instrument. A conceptual model was developed and tested. The measurement model and moderation hypotheses were tested using the Lisrel package and Hayes (2018) process macros respectively. The results confirm that attraction and opportunities are positively related to tourist satisfaction, perception of service positively moderates the relationship between attraction and tourist satisfaction, and also interacts with awareness to influence the relationship between attraction and tourist satisfaction, problems negatively moderate the positive relationship between opportunities and tourist satisfaction.

