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Kerala Economy Journal

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Authors: Anitha Kumary L | Published on: 29-Sep-2023

English PDF


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A. Webinars

1. “Role of religious faith in financial exclusion: An analysis of financial deepening in India”

Speakers: Prof D Narayana, former director and Honorary Professor, GIFT and Ms Shagishnna K.

Discussant:  Mr Siddiq Rabiyath, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics


Financial inclusion has been the coveted policy goal of the Indian government and may be thought of at two levels, having a bank account reflecting access to banks and financial literacy, and financial deepening as reflected in operating interest-bearing deposit or loan accounts. As a sizable proportion of the Muslims in the country subscribes to 'Riba is Haram', it is possible that such religious forbiddance to subscribe to interest bearing banking products may lead to exclusion from financial deepening. While many countries have overcome this deficiency by hosting Islamic banking in their conventional banking systems, India is an exception. The objective of this paper is to examine the prevalence of financial exclusion owing to religious faith in India. NFHS - 4 and Jan Dhan data show that almost 100 per cent households have a bank account. A careful analysis of Reserve Bank of India's district level data on deposit accounts, and population census data on urbanization and religious composition suggests exclusion from financial deepening of Muslims. Regression analysis confirms that faith based financial exclusion is significant in many states of India. A few private initiatives of recent years (for e.g., Sanghamam Multi State Co-operative Credit Society, Erattupetta) to offer interest-free banking services have attracted large clientele indicating unmet demand. The lack of a policy response means denying financial inclusion for large segments of population.

2. Webinar Series jointly with Indialics (India chapter of Globelics)

October 31, 2020 (Saturday) 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm

Title of the Webinar:  Inclusive Innovation: Problematizing the State and S&T in Rural India

Based on Raina, Rajeswari S. and Keshab Das (Eds.), Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India, Springer, Heidelberg/ New Delhi, 2020.

Welcome : Prof K J Joseph Director, GIFT

Moderator :  Prof Lakhwinder Singh Gill, Coordinator,  CDEIS, Punjabi University, Patiala


1. Prof Rajeswari Sarala Raina, Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, UP

2. Prof Keshab Das, Professor, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad


1. Prof Rasheed Sulaiman, Director, Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP) Hyderabad

2. Dr Mathieu Quet, Chargé de recherché, Ceped, IRD-Université Descartes Paris V, Paris, France

3. Ms Bruna Jatoba, Researcher, Innovation, Technology and Territory Research Group, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

4. Dr Janaki Srinivasan, Assistant Professor, IIIT, Bangalore

For details, please visit : Link: detail/23/Indialics-Webinar-Series

3. National webinar series: Local Governments for Sustainable Developments -Good Practices from Kerala

GIFT jointly with KILA and Haritha Kerala Mission initiated a National webinar series: Local Governments for Sustainable Developments -Good Practices from Kerala.

Under this weekaly webinar series twelve webinars have already been organized from 4  July onwards . Webinars organized in the month of October  2020 are listed below.

1. New expanses in service quality management on 10.10.2020.

2. Interventions in eco-restoration on 17.10.20

3. Women Empowerment, 31.10.2020

For details Link:


B. Book release

1. Release of the Book 'Labour Regulations in India' by the Hon'ble Finance Minister, Prof  T M Thomas Isaac,  5 November 2020

This volume, edited by Dr A V Jose, Former Director and Honorary Professor of GIFT,  is based on the papers and proceedings of a national webinar organised by GIFT on 13 June 2020.  In a meeting wherein the faculty, students and staff of GIFT participated, Dr A V Jose introduced the book and Prof K J Joseph, Director GIFT welcomed the gathering. The first copy was received by Dr Srikumar Chattorpadhyay, ICSSR National Fellow, GIFT

2. Unveiling the Book Collection of Prof N Krishnaji

The entire book collection of late Professor N Krishnaji was donated to the GIFT library by Krishnaji's Family.  Prof T M Thomas Isaac opened the collections in GIFT library for the public.

3. Inauguration of the PhD Bay

Prof Thomas Isaac also inaugurated PhD Bay with work stations for the scholars with a seating capacity of 18 students.

4. Interactive session with the Faculty and Staff

In an interactive session that followed, the Honorable Finance Minister and Chairman GIFT highlighted various issues that need to attract the research attention of the scholars and encouraged them to come up with a research and teaching agenda for the institute. 


C. Teaching and training programmes

1. KFC-GIFT partnership in Chief Minister's Entrepreneurship Development Program

GIFT jointly with Kerala Finance Corporation (KFC) started in organizing a week long training program for the prospective entrepreneurs under the Chief Minister's Entrepreneurship Development Programme (CMEDP).

Batch 4: 05.10.2020 to 09.10.2020




2. PGDGST program Third Batch

Admission for the third batch of the Post Graduate Diploma in Goods and Service Tax (PGDGST) is closed .120 hours training program started through online mode for the 325 students.

First 18 hours online training programme for the third batch is completed. Second set of training of 36 hours started on 30 October on online mode.

Examination for the second batch of PGDGST was over. Paper valuation is going on. Result expected to release on the last week of November 2020.

For more details


D. New faculty in GIFT

Dr Anoop S Kumar joined as Assistant Professor at GIFT. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from MG University, Kerala. After working in India and abroad for a while he earned M.Phil. and Ph D. in Economics from School of Economics, University of Hyderabad. His area of interest includes international finance and macroeconomics, financial econometrics and applied time series modelling.  Anoop has around 30 research articles to his credit published in journals of repute such as Singapore Economic Review, Journal of Public affairs and Physica A. Prior to joining GIFT, he was associated with academic institutions such as BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, Central University of Andhra Pradesh and SRM University.




E. New reports and publications

1.Kerala Economy

Kerala Economy -A monthly publication in English and Malayalam has been launched with a view to provide an update on different aspects of Kerala that include, but not limited to, finance, taxation, prices and employment. It also intends to provide reflections on important developments at the regional/national/global level and update on select sectors of Kerala economy.

Vol. 1, No. 2, October issue of Kerala Economy was published in English and Malayalam

For more details please visit:

2. Kerala Tax Reporter (KTR)

September issue of KTR published Online and offline.

3. Innovation and Development

A Routledge journal from GIFT, Volume 10, No. 2 published, Editor in chief, K J Joseph.

For details please visit

4. Weekly update on the Indian Economy

This is an attempt by the Young Scholar' Forum in GIFT, led by Shency Mathew to update you on important developments in the national economy. Latest issue 07-13 November, 2020.
