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Kerala Economy Journal

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New studies on Kerala

Authors: Rjumohan A | Published on: 13-Jun-2022

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Scopus indexed journals
1. Sulaiman, K. M., & Bhagat, R. B. (2022). Youth and Migration Aspiration in Kerala. Migration Letters, 19(3), 357-365.
This paper provides insight into the migration aspiration of the youth from Kerala and their awareness of migration. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the second half of 2019 in Calicut, Kerala. The sample consisted of 491 students pursuing the second or last year of graduation. The majority of the youth are aware of Middle East countries, the typical migration destination of Keralites. Most youths are aware of gulf migration through their family, friends and media. In the case of Kerala, in the coming 10 to 20 years, migration will continue as a potential life choice for achieving life goals for youth in Kerala. Policies should promote awareness about migration and facilitate a secure and safe migration for youths.
2. Shobha, K., & Joseph, A. D. (2022). Transmission and Distribution Sector of Kerala: A Comparative Study of Pre and Post Electricity Act Period. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECS), 14(3), 6366-6372.
The Electricity act 2003 has brought many changes in transmission and distribution sectors. A quick analysis of the progress taken place in Kerala State has shown that significant changes have taken place in transmission and distribution sectors during this period. It helped the State to overcome the power crisis by importing more electricity from outside and the State has to further strengthen both its inter-state as well as intra state transmission network.
3.Starly, O. S., & Karuppiah, C. (2022). Role of Kudumbasree in Women Empowerment in Kerala. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(6), 367-372.
Kudumbasree is a group of women working under the Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission and under the jurisdiction of local self government institutions. This paper describes how 'Kudumbasree in its nature and scope and its contributions to women's empowerment in general and the attempts of Kudumbasree program in the broader context of measures to empower the women's group, measures of alleviating poverty, improving financial inclusion and mainly how these things empower the women in total. In addition, it explains how Kudumbasree helped the society in total , especially to women, by its actions and activities done through its organisational setup.
 4.Hari, K. S. (2022). Role of Democratic Decentralisation and Empowerment of Local Bodies: A Case of Kerala. Review of Market Integration,14(1), 53-63.
The present article is an attempt to understand the contributory factors for success of Kerala's decentralisation experience and the challenges ahead. Direct participation of people in the plan formulation through gram sabha ensured deepening of democracy in the state. This helped improve service delivery at the local level in education and health care sectors and better management of sanitation. Women empowerment through Kudumbashree Mission continues to be a role model for other states to emulate. Failure in the inclusion of outlier classes and castes even after 25 years continues as a black spot on the Kerala experience with democratic decentralisation.
5.Krishnaveni, K. S., & Anilkumar, P. P. (2022). How Smart Growth can Curb Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of a Rapidly Urbanizing City in Kerala, India. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 43, 1355-1360.
This article discusses the possibilities of smart Growth approaches as a tool for reducing undesirable urban sprawl. The study aims to capture the land use land cover (LULC) dynamics of Kozhikode Urban Agglomeration (KUA) from 1991-to 2021 using remote sensing and GIS techniques and also identify potential smart growth locations in KUA using Geographic Information System (GIS)-based modeling methods to mitigate the effects of uncontrolled urban sprawl. Future development activities should focus more on the identified potential hotspots of Smart Growth. The study demonstrated the application of the Smart Growth techniques in a sprawling tier-2 city of Kerala. The city planning authorities can use this technique for effective sprawl management and sustainable city planning.
 Other journals
1. Remya, R. (2022). Interstate Migrant Workers in Kerala: An Assessment of Welfare Measures in the State of Kerala. Journal of Polity and Society, 13(2), 161-176.
This paper makes an attempt to analyse the effectiveness of welfare measures and problems faced by migrant labourers in general and during the pandemic. In recent years, Kerala has witnessed a large-scale inflow of migrant labourers from different parts of the country due to higher wages for unskilled labour in the state, enormous opportunities for employment, and a shortage of local labour. Kerala state has been a front runner among India's states in initiating social security schemes for different vulnerable sections of society. The contribution of migrant workers to the economy is enormous but remains down in return for their security and well-being. The Kerala government proactively supported the migrant labourers during the Covid-19 pandemic-related lockdown. It provided transport for the migrant workers, gave food through the community kitchen, and provided access to shelter.
2.Thomas, N., & Shyjan, D. (2022). Outsiders of the Labour Force in Kerala: Demystifying Deterrents of Female Work. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,
Kerala labour market witnesses a pattern of increase in the category of 'out-of-labour force' (OLF) among females and the majority report as attending domestic duties. Using the latest two rounds of NSSO employment and unemployment data and two rounds of Periodic Labour Force Surveys, this paper examines the trend, magnitude and causes of OLF among the young females in Kerala and tries to determine the factors that deter female entry into the labour force. There is a social and economic dimension for the young females falling in the category of OLF in Kerala, but education and marital status remain major factors determining female labour force participation. It is proposed to characterise this phenomenon as 'educated out-of-labour force' among young females in Kerala.
3. Kumar, P. B. (2022). Survival Strategies of Tourism Industry in times of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of Selected Tourist Enterprises in Kerala. Revista de turism-studii si cercetari in turism, (33).
This paper sheds some light on the novel and innovative survival strategies adopted by selected tourism operators and hotels in certain selected tourist spots in Kerala. The study considers four types of survival strategies for analysis viz. Retrenchment, Persevering, Innovation and Exit. The study has found that the type of strategies adopted by the enterprises varies in accordance with their nature of business and has significant associations with the number of years spent in the field of operation. Most of the enterprises preferred to adopt a persevering survival strategy that is they tended to continue their operations without applying any significant decline in their scale of operation. It has been found that younger enterprises tended to adopt an 'exit' survival strategy while experienced and older enterprises stood for persevering strategy.
Other journals
1. Chandran, S. C. M., & Sathiyabama, B. (2022). Consumer Education on Green Banking for Sustainable Environment: A Study on Retail Banking Customers in Kerala. International Journal of Health Sciences, (III), 1328-1340.
This paper aims to sort out and study the opportunities in a changing retail banking environment, investigating what green banking products' customers anticipate from their bank and how the introduction of green banking products might affect customer loyalty. The results showed a positive attitude by customers towards green banking products while also not indicating a clear preference or desirability for a specific product. In addition to this, this study found a positive relationship between the introduction of green banking products and increased customer loyalty. The study came to the conclusion that green banking products suggestively have an advantageous position in the evolving financial sector.
2. Narayanan, A., Beye, R., & Thakur, G. M. (2022). Natural Disasters and Economic Dynamics: Evidence from the Kerala floods. (Centre for Development Studies Working Paper Series 508). .
Exceptionally high rainfall in the Indian state of Kerala caused major flooding in 2018. This paper estimates the short-run causal impact of the disaster on the economy, using a difference-in-difference approach. The results suggest that aggregate economic activity declined for three months during the disaster but boomed subsequently while consumer demand declined and credit disbursal increased with households borrowing more for housing and less for consumption. In line with other results, both household income and expenditure declined during the floods. Despite a strong wage recovery after the floods, spending remained lower relative to the unaffected districts.
Scopus indexed journals
1. Asha Vijay, T., & Raju, M. S. (2022). Conceptual Framework to Comprehend the Supply Chain Management of Agriculture Products in Kerala. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1(43), 1067-1075.
The focus of this paper is to develop a theoretical construct to identify the relationship between the various players in the Supply Chain Management of agricultural products from Kerala. The conceptual framework is made by identifying the dyadic /Buyer-seller relationship between the players. Value chain analysis is used to identify each activity and node in the supply chain. Characteristic factors that contribute to the dyadic linkages are identified. The supply chain management is analyzed by comparing the marketing efficiency of various chains from the producer to the consumer. The study also suggests an electronic platform to provide information sharing and data backup that can be helpful for further improvements in the sector in terms of research and infrastructure.

Other journals
1.Bnicy, J., & Thomas, S. M. Prevalence and Education Status of People with Disabilities in India and Kerala-A Comparative outlook. American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS), 5(6), 9-15.
The purpose of this study is to look into the disability concerns associated with low educational status and thus deprivation of these people in developing countries like India, as well as from a regional perspective in Kerala. The study draws on significant data sources such as India's 2001 and 2011 Censuses, disability data from the two rounds of the National Sample Survey, 2002 and 2018, and Kerala's 2015 Disability Census. In India, the study finds significant educational and economic disparities between men and women, as well as rural and urban disabled populations and proposes optimal strategies for disabled people's empowerment and welfare.
Scopus indexed
1. Chandran, N., Vinuprasad, V. G., Sreedevi, C., Sathiadevan, S., & Deepak, K. S. (2022). COVID-19-related Stigma Among the Affected Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study From Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 44(3), 279-284.
This study is aimed to assess the anticipatory and experienced stigma associated with COVID-19 in affected individuals. This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Palakkad District in Kerala. Study participants were patients diagnosed with COVID-19. The sampling method was convenience sampling and snowball sampling. COVID-19 Related Stigma Survey Questionnaire was prepared by experts from the field of Psychiatry and Community Medicine. The responses were collected via an online survey and telephonic interview. There is a high level of stigma associated with COVID-19 in society. Definite measures need to be taken to reduce the stigma related to COVID-19 infection.

Other journals
1.Mathews, M., Mohan, H., Kurian, S., Karlath, F. A. P., Divakaran, B., & Valliot, B. (2022). Changing Pattern of Mortality in First and Second COVID-19 Waves: A Comparative Study From Kerala, India. International Journal of Epidemiologic Research, 9(2), 69-74.
India has seen a two-wave pattern of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections. The comparative characteristics of these two waves remain largely unknown. Changing trends in the demographic and clinical characteristics of the deceased COVID-19 patients in these two waves helped to identify the vulnerable population and guide public health interventions to decrease mortality. The second COVID-19 wave was different from the first wave with more deaths in the young and elderly, a shorter duration from symptom onset to death, and an increase in the proportion of deaths with diabetes, maternal deaths, and deaths in those without any pre-existing comorbidities.
2. Mammen, P. V., & George, L. (2022). Patient Satisfaction in Health Care Management with Special Reference to Missionary Hospitals in Kerala. International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics, 9(1&2), 9-16.
The healthcare scenario of Kerala has undergone a drastic change with private health care providing the majority of the health services leading to huge increases in health costs making it unaffordable for most patients, and health expenditure has gone without regulations. An organized movement in the healthcare sector was initiated by the Missionary churches to establish a variety of healthcare formats in the remote areas of Kerala and provide quality services at sustainable cost. The sustenance of such hospitals is difficult in a competitive healthcare market. For this purpose, proper understanding of the factors of patient satisfaction will help the policy makers and top management for effective management and policy decisions.
3. KP, L., Prasanna, P., Chandra, S., G. Krishnan, A., Babu, A., Babu, B., Moni, M., & Sathyapalan, D. T. (2022). COVID-19-Related Knowledge and Anxiety Among Health-Care Workers in a Tertiary Care Centre in Kerala. Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine,
An online survey was conducted using a developed questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge and anxiety among 118 health-care workers (HCWs) regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 92.47% of participants were strongly aware that the major mechanism in COVID spread is droplet infection. An equal percentage of participants had good knowledge that the infection can always be prevented by maintaining social distance, appropriate hand washing, hand sanitizing, and using a mask. However, around 40.67% of participants avoided large meetings even in hospitals due to fear of the pandemic. There is a need to intensify the awareness program and address the mental health issues of HCWs during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Scopus indexed journals
1.Alex, M. A. M., Murugesan, S. V., & PM, J. (2022). The Impact of COVID 19 on Kerala's MSME Sector. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(6), 2323-2330.
Kerala ranks 14th in the MSME Annual Report 2020-21. Of the 23.79 million units, 23.58 million are micro-enterprises employing 44.64 million people. The pandemic hit MSMEs hard, leaving many unable to pay employees, pay debts, or run their businesses. This study focuses on the impact and future of the COVID-19 pandemic on Kerala's MSME sector. The study's main goal is to understand the current MSME sector and India's economic prospects.
Other journals
1.Raghunathan, A., Remesh, K., & Viswanathan, P. K. (2022). Sectoral Impact of COVID-19 on Micro Enterprises with Special Reference to Kerala.International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S3), 4744-4754.
The study deals with the sectoral impact of Covid crisis on micro enterprises. Challenges with respect to production, employment, finance and sales are discussed in the paper. Businesses like Kudumbashrees, handicraft, handloom and dairy farm, covering the whole Kerala with 14 districts, are considered to be more vulnerable to the negative shocks and are hence taken onto the study to identify the factors that led to the hampering of the business. One of the major objectives of this study is to identify and analyse the challenges faced by the micro enterprises during Covid19. The study also aims to understand the coping mechanisms adopted by these micro-enterprises during the crises.

