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Kerala Economy Journal

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Jeffrey Orozco

Authors: Jeffrey Orozco | Published on: 30-Sep-2023

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Okay, first a thank you for the invitation. It is an honour for me, and for Globelics to be part of this activity. I think it is very important for you and also for us in Globelics to stress their relevance of our global network. It gives some feedback in these development challenges. There are also many lessons from Costa Rica, but I don't have the time now to say something, especially from our agricultural sector, on how to manage their R&D sector, their diffusion of knowledge, and also, the attraction of investment. Since you are about to be at your midnight in India I am not inclined to elaborate on any of these aspects. But I am sure later on, we will have a number of opportunities for more intense, elaborate and relaxed discussion.

For now, just to think about this activity and to remember that we are having a Globelics Conference this year in Costa Rica. We have already sent the call for papers. We hope to have a hybrid conference with some people here in Costa Rica and others online. It will still be difficult to predict how the situation with Covid would be by the end of the year (November). But I think this activity is a good example that we can share and the technologies help us to share in different ways. I thank everybody, we had a lot of feedback from experts from everywhere. It's really an honour for Globelics to be part of this and I hope that this dialogue will continue. I look forward to welcoming all of you in person in Costa Rica for the conferance, if not, at least online. Thank you.
