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Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation

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Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation

Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, formerly Centre for Taxation Studies, was conceived as a premier national institute to promote theoretically grounded and empirically based research within an interdisciplinary perspective to aid policy making at the national and sub-national level. Affiliated to Cochin University of Science and technology, GIFT is also mandated to facilitate research leading to PhD, apart from being a highly acclaimed institute undertaking training programs for capacity building of different stakeholders, including Government officials. It also offers a Post Graduate Diploma in Goods and Service Tax.
The governance of the Institute is entrusted with a Governing Body and an Executive Committee, consisting of scholars of eminence and senior administrators representing both the Central and the State Governments. Finance Minister of Government of Kerala is the Chairman of the Institute.

Situated by the side of the National Highway near Sreekaryam on a sprawling green campus with GRIHA certification, the Institute is having state of the art infrastructural facilities for undertaking research and organizing seminars/conferences like basement parking and an air-conditioned auditorium with a seating capacity of 300. While the State Government provided the land needed for the campus, the construction of the campus was made possible by the generous financial support offered by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.