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Monitoring and Evaluation of Schemes implemented for the development of Scheduled Caste Communities in Kerala during 11th and 12th Five Year Plan Periods (2007 – 2017). Scheduled Castes Development Department, Govt. of Kerala.(Completed: 2019)

Home » Projects  » Completed Projects  »  Monitoring and Evaluation of Schemes implemented for the development of Scheduled Caste Communities in Kerala during 11th and 12th Five Year Plan Periods (2007 – 2017). Scheduled Castes Development Department, Govt. of Kerala.(Completed: 2019)

Monitoring and Evaluation of Schemes implemented for the development of Scheduled Caste Communities in Kerala during 11th and 12th Five Year Plan Period (2007-2017). Scheduled Castes Development Department, Government of Kerala

(Total Nine independent reports were submitted to Scheduled Castes Development Department, Government of Kerala)