GST Compensation and Fiscal Stress of States : 28.09.2020

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GST Compensation and Fiscal Stress of States

Organized jointly with CRRID, Chandigarh

28 September 2020


State governments in India at present are faced with an unprecedented fiscal stress. This is on account of the heavy fiscal burden undertaken for saving the COVID-impacted lives and livelihood of people on the one hand and drying up of the tax and non-tax revenue on account of the pandemic induced closedown. At this juncture, the alternative to GST compensation proposed by the Centre in the GST council is un acceptable to states.  

Under these circumstances there is an urgent need for all the State Governments and scholars concerned to come together and deliberate on the Centre’s proposal with respect to GST compensation and its implications for the States.

This webinar jointly organized by Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT), Thiruvananthapuram and Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) Chandigarh intends to provide a forum for deliberating on implications of the Centre’s proposal on the already stressed state finances and articulate the responses of the states.

The webinar will be organized in sessions of about two hours each. In the morning sessions all the willing Finance Ministers will share their views, concerns and proposals.

In the afternoon eminent academicians and concerned captains of the media will further deliberate on the issue.

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