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Kerala Economy Journal

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Blueprint for a great leap forward

K J Joseph, ,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


The deceleration and decline of GDP

K Shagishna , D Narayana,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


Is the level of government spending enough to revive growth? : A study of Union Government and Sout

Parma Chakravartti, Anitha Kumary L,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


Whither Kerala in GST collection?

N. Ramalingam, Santosh Kumar Dash,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


Taming the prices during the pandemic: Further exploration

P S Renjith, Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


The story of social spending : A revisit to the Kerala model of development - Part II

A V Jose, Choose Author, Choose Author
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


All is not well that lights not well

Vijayamohanan Pillai N, Choose Author, Choose Author
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


New studies on Kerala

Suha A M, ,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021


What is new(s) from GIFT

Anitha Kumary L, ,
Published on: 11-Jan-2021