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Kerala Economy Journal

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Kerala Economy completes one year

K J Joseph, ,
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


Asset monetisation and its implication on capital investment in India

Anitha Kumary L, ,
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


State government expenditure response to pandemic in southern states

Parma Chakravartti, ,
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


How healthy has been the recovery of GST collection?

Santosh Kumar Dash, Choose Author, Choose Author
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


Food prices and inflation during the pandemic: Kerala remains an exception?

Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi, P S Renjith,
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


Predicaments of electricity duty as a source of revenue for Kerala, India

Md Zakaria Siddiqui, K J Joseph, Rjumohan A
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


Kerala Flood Cess: Whether the experiment for raising additional revenue, a success?

Relfi Paul, Choose Author, Choose Author
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


New studies on Kerala

Athira Karunakaran, ,
Published on: 15-Sep-2021


What is new(s) from GIFT

Anitha Kumary L, ,
Published on: 15-Sep-2021